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          The capacitor is a two terminal electronic component. It has the 'capacity' to store electrical charge and producing a potential difference (voltage). It just like a small rechargeable battery. The capacitor most of like a circuit strong pulse output.


                     These image is construction of the capacitor. Observe the fig. Electrolyte is around by the Aluminium foil.this between gap called as Oxide layer. these all are insulation paper separator. The paper separator uses is could not conduct the material of the these capacitor


          These components store and release energy in a circuit voltage is higher then what is stored in the capacitor it allowed current to flow in giving the capacitor a charge. When the circuit voltage is lower, The stored charge is released often placed across power and ground close its a sensor or motor to help smooth fluctuation in voltage


  • The energy stored in the capacitor comes from the work that we have to do to move the electrons from one plate to the other plate
  • This work (energy) is stored in the electrical field between the plates
  • The charges are almost all located on the inner surface and spread out evenly
  • This causes the electrical field between the plates is very nearly uniform

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